Privacy Policy and Protection of Personal Information
This Privacy Policy establishes Le Soleil Wines commitment to its Customers in terms of personal data protection, in order to strengthen and consolidate their relationship of trust and proximity. Through this Privacy Policy, Le Soleil Wines informs its Clients about the treatments that it performs with its data, as well as the rights that it recognizes to them, as holders of personal data. Le Soleil Wines acts in strict compliance with the principles described in this policy, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Regulation on Data Protection - RGPD) and the applicable data protection legislation in all personal data processing activities that responsibility.
1.1 Objectives
The main objectives of the Privacy Policy as a communication tool are:
- Reinforce and consolidate Le Soleil Wines relationship of trust and closeness with its Customers;
- Demonstrate transparency in the processing of personal data by Le Soleil Wines;
- Inform your Customers of their rights, as holders of personal data, and how they can exercise them;
- Inform your Customers how they can request the exercise of their rights, or clarify how their personal data are processed;
1.2 Application
The Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the processing of personal data made by Le Soleil Wines in the context of the intended purposes. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, it is considered personal information and any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. It is identifiable the Customer that can be identified directly or indirectly, namely through an identification number or through specific characteristics of its physical, physiological, genetic, cultural or social identity.
2.1 Our commitment
The protection of your personal data is a priority for Le Soleil Wines.
We are committed to only treating your personal data that is strictly necessary to provide you with the best services, ensuring transparency in the information and application of best practices in the field of security and protection of personal data.
Whenever your personal data are processed by contracted entities, Le Soleil Wines will require that these entities have the same level of guarantee of privacy and security with regard to the protection of personal data.
We want to trust you and feel that your personal data is safe with us, as we will always be committed to protecting your privacy, assuming, with great seriousness and commitment, our responsibilities regarding the protection of your personal data.
Whenever you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, we will be available to help you through the form available in the Contact area of ​​our website or other means of contact that we make available on our website.
2.2 Purposes of the processing of personal data
Le Soleil Wines undertakes to treat only the personal data used solely for the following purposes:
i. Processing of orders;
ii. Communication with clients and clarification of doubts;
iii. Processing of information requests;
iv. Claim processing;
v. Statistical analysis activities;
vi. Verify, maintain and develop statistical systems and analyzes;
vii. Direct marketing communications (if you have consented to the processing of your personal data for this purpose);
viii. Preventing and combating fraud;
ix. Request for comments on products or services purchased;
x. Conducting satisfaction surveys. 
Le Soleil Wines guarantees the confidentiality of all data provided by your customers. Although Le Soleil Winescollects and processes data in a secure manner and prevents its loss or manipulation, using the most advanced techniques for this purpose, we inform you that the open collection allows the circulation of personal data without security conditions, at the risk of being seen and used by unauthorized third parties.
If you do not agree to the above conditions, Le Soleil Wines can not contract with you through its website.
2.3 Time of retention of personal data
The period of time during which the data is stored and stored varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed and in accordance with any obligations and legal requirements that may be applicable and which require the data to be retained for minimum a period of time.
Thus, and where there is no specific legal obligation, the data will be stored and kept only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes that led to their collection or subsequent processing, after which they will be eliminated.
We expressly remind you that at any time you may request the deletion of all your personal data from our databases. This request must be sent through the form available in the Contact area of our website, or other means of contact that we make available to you.
2.4 Communication of personal data to other entities
As a general rule, Le Soleil Wines does not share the personal data of users with third parties with whom it has not established a contractual relationship which provides for the confidential treatment of this data in accordance with Le Soleil Wines privacy statement.
Le Soleil Wines may communicate its personal data to third parties provided that, to that end, it has unambiguously obtained the consent of the data subjects or when:
i. The transmission is carried out in the scope of the fulfillment of a legal obligation, of a determination of the Portugal National Data Protection Commission (CNPD) or of a judicial order or
ii. The communication is carried out to protect vital interests of the Data Holders or any other legitimate purpose provided by law.
Le Soleil Wines takes the appropriate measures to ensure that entities that have access to the data are reputed and offer the highest guarantees at this level, which will be duly enshrined and protected in a contract to be signed between Le Soleil Wines and third parties.
Accordingly, any entity sub-contracted by Le Soleil Wines will treat personal data collected and processed on behalf of Le Soleil Wines in the obligation to take the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access and against any other form of illicit treatment.
In any case, Le Soleil Wines remains responsible for the personal data collected.
2.5 Exercise of rights
As a rule, the holder of personal data has the following rights in terms of data protection: right of access, right of rectification, right of erasure, right of limitation, right of portability, right of opposition and right not to be subject to automated decisions. In cases where you have given consent for a certain processing of your personal data, you may withdraw it at any time. To exercise any of these rights, you must do so through the following means:
- By post: Rua Sao Domingos de Benfica 7 c/ve 1500-555 Lisboa, Portugal
- E-mail:
- Form available in the Contact area of our website, indicating the subject "Personal Data"
If necessary, the holder of personal data may also submit a complaint to the Portugal National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD).
2.6 Cookies
Le Soleil Wines uses cookies on your website to improve the performance and browsing experience of our users, increasing the speed and efficiency of response on the one hand and eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information. The placement of cookies not only helps the website to recognize the user's device the next time you visit us, but it will also be essential for the functioning of the same. The cookies used by Le Soleil Wines on your website do not collect personal information that allows you to identify the user, storing only generic information, namely the form and / or place of access of the user and how you use the websites. Cookies retain only information related to User preferences.
Session Cookies: These are temporary cookies that remain in the browser's cookie file until the browser leaves the web page, so there is no record on the user's hard disk. The information gathered by these cookies serves to analyze patterns of website traffic. Ultimately, this allows us to improve content and improve the usability of the site.
Analysis Cookies: These are those that treated us or others, allow us to quantify the number of users and carry out statistical measurement and analysis of how users use the service offered. We examine your navigation on our site, with the aim of improving the supply of products or services that we offer you.
Advertising Cookies: These are those treated well by us or by third parties, allow us to more effectively manage the offer of advertising space that exists on the site, being able to analyze your browsing habits and show you advertising related to your profile navigation.
2.7 Security measures
Le Soleil Wines declares that it has implemented and will continue to implement the security measures of a technical and organizational nature necessary to guarantee the security of the personal data provided to it in order to prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized treatment and / or access, taking into account account the current state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which it is exposed.
Le Soleil Winesguarantees the confidentiality of all data provided by its customers either in the registry or in the process of buying or ordering products or services. The collection and processing of data takes place safely and prevents its loss or manipulation. All data will be entered on a Secure Server that encrypts / encodes (transforms into a code). You can verify that your browser is secure if the lock symbol appears or if the address starts with https instead of http.
The personal data are treated with the level of protection legally required to guarantee their security and prevent unauthorized alteration, loss, treatment or access, taking into account the state of the technology, being the user aware and accepting that the measures of Internet security are not impregnable.
Le Soleil Wines, when accessing any personal data, undertakes to:
- To store them by means of legally enforceable security measures of a technical and organizational nature that guarantee their security, thus avoiding unauthorized alteration, loss, processing or access, in accordance with the current state of technology, the nature of the data and the possible risks to which they are exposed;
- Use the data exclusively for the purposes previously defined;
- Make sure that the data are handled only by its employees whose intervention is necessary for the provision of the service and they are bound by the duty of secrecy and confidentiality. Should the information be disclosed to third parties, they should be required to keep the confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of this document.
2.8 Updates to this Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy may be reviewed and updated, which will be disclosed through our website.